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Who Should Attend:

This FREE course is for direct care workers who have relevant, sufficient experience in both delivering home and community-based services and training adult learners. The virtual TTT classes include 4 sessions that cover IMPART Alliance’s DCW class and course format, adult learning styles, navigating Zoom, course fidelity, and more. The in-person TTT is an 8-hour lab day covering hands-on DCW home skills. Trainer candidates may choose either or both options, but both are recommended.

Course Structure

Virtual TTT

  • Session 1 & 2: (3 hours each) In these virtual sessions, a mentor-trainer leads instruction for trainer candidates about the curriculum, adult learning, and virtual training. This session includes an introduction to the person-centered framework.
  • Session 3: (3 hours) In this virtual session, trainer candidates will take turns teaching one another 20-minute activities from the curriculum. Under the evaluation of a mentor-trainer, the candidates will practice their skills from sessions 1 and 2 and provide feedback on one another’s performance.
  • Session 4: (1 hour) In this virtual session, the trainer candidate will teach a class of their choosing to DCWs from their agency. A mentor-trainer will observe and evaluate for competency in training delivery and content accuracy.

⁠In-Person TTT

  • In this one-day, 8-hour, seminar trainer-candidates will meet under the direction of a mentor-trainer in a skills training lab. Trainer candidates will practice using a standardized curriculum to instruct one another in hands-on skills performance and will also learn how to evaluate students for competent demonstration of skills.



Admission Criteria

  • ⁠Experience delivering all long-term supports and services provided in the training program.
  • Work experience as a direct care worker, comparable healthcare provider, or DCW adjacent role (for example, DCW supervisor).
  • Interest or experience in education, training, or mentoring adult learners.
  • No degree or license in any health field is required, though considered in the context of the above requirements.

Application Requirements

  • Online application form:
    • Work and education experience
    • Professional goals
    • Education and training philosophy
  • 1-2 statements of recommendation from supervisor or professional colleagues.
  • ⁠Supervisor completion of signed supervisor agreement.
  • ⁠Signed fidelity agreement promising to adhere to standardized curriculum requirements.


Frequently Asked Questions

No! Our competency-based curriculum is designed to be delivered by anyone with experience in long-term support and services as a direct care worker or adjacent role (DCW supervisor, health professional, etc.). We require fidelity to our curriculum and use a TTT course to ensure trainers are competent to provide adult education and adhere to an accurate training content.

Right now, all of our training programs are covered under our generous grant funding administered by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services; one through FY23 General Funds and one through American Rescue Plan Act/Home and Community Based Services Spending Plan funds. In the future, we intend to use a fee-for-service model for students to enroll in our training courses

We have a growing pool of trainers across the state providing virtual and hybrid training instruction! Some trainers work through their workplaces and offer training to their colleagues on their workplace priorities and schedules. Other trainers work for IMPART Alliance and are paid to deliver our training to students from employers across the state.

Trainers who train for their employers would be conducting training as part of their scheduled work responsibilities. Some trainers choose to apply for work with IMPART and are paid by us.

IMPART Alliance recognizes the impact engaged employers have on training outcomes. Interested employers can support their employees by signing up for classes offered by IMPART Alliance or by encouraging an expert DCW from their organization to complete our Train-the-Trainer course. If you would like to learn more about our training offerings, please email us at

DCW turnover is a challenge for employers and the field. DCWs frequently cite inadequate training as a source of dissatisfaction. Similarly, unsupportive employers are a large motivator of intention to leave. Employers can offer training to their employees to fill this need and demonstrate support for their employees to accomplish their professional goals and increase confidence in the workplace. Additionally, training contributes to professional development opportunities and a workplace culture that is based on collaboration, skill-building, and quality.


Funding: This project is supported by grants to MSU IMPART Alliance, administered by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services; one through FY23 General Funds and one through American Rescue Plan Act/Home and Community Based Services Spending Plan funds.