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Join the IMPART Alliance Direct Care Worker Directory!

As a Direct Care Worker, are you:

  • Feeling isolated or forgotten as if no one cares about you or the essential work you are doing?
  • Would you like more support?
  • Would you like to get information about things like new state guidelines, a new Professional Association for Direct Care Workers, opportunities for training, and ways to connect with other DCWs

If you answered yes to any of these questions, consider joining the IMPART Alliance Direct Care Worker Directory!  COVID-19 made it clearer than ever that we need better ways to reach others and be heard to improve our jobs and lives as direct care workers. Add your name to the new confidential IMPART Alliance Direct Care Worker Directory by completing a super short survey [just 6 questions].   Your contact info will automatically be entered into a secure, confidential database. Your name will never be shared without your permission.

Spread the word! Tell all your friends who are Direct Care Workers to join by adding their names to the directory!

Join The Directory - Link to more about Join the IMPART Alliance Direct Care Worker Directory!