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Ardith Lee, Williamston, MI

Ardith Lee, Williamston, MI, Certified Nursing Assistant, Dementia Specialist, started out doing PCA work in a hospital neurological unit. When she later worked in a nursing home, she became hooked on working with persons with dementia. “I can’t imagine doing anything else. I have tried. I left for a while because you get tired lifting and moving and working weekends and holidays.” She missed working with people with dementia or effects of a stroke, especially those who cannot communicate well.

Ardith attributes this special niche to the fact that when she was a child, she stopped talking for 10 years in response to some life challenges.

She “knows so well what it is to have this person and this life inside of me and not be able to express it. I can see in their [clients’] eyes they are so desperate to let you know something, and they cannot. I’m right there with them, and I will stay with them until we can figure out what this is and comfort them.”

Ardith worries about the day when she can no longer do PCA work. The wages don’t allow for a retirement fund and the work is physically demanding. “You do not make a living. You make an existence. In order to make a living you do hours and hours of overtime or you may work in a facility, an assisted living home, and do private care work in addition. There will come a time when I am no longer able to do the lifting.” She also worries about young PCAs who can’t make it on the low pay or who are not compassionate or trained. “We all know someone who is not in their best profession. There are PCAs who simply should not be. Others move on to do other work that they do not necessarily enjoy, but they are paid better.”

Ardith believes change will only happen if “someone of importance — meaning someone of money or political influence — says we need to change. In truth, there is no one of greater importance than our elders. We need to get behind this and make a difference. I am so proud to be someone who cares for our elders. [We need] to make sure that those of us who care for them are honored.”